We hold a Sunday meeting every Sunday from 11:00 am. The key elements during the Sunday meetings include singing, prayers, teaching / preaching, taking an offering, testimonies and praying for those who wish to be prayed for. We have Holy Communion every first Sunday of the month. The meetings are held in an alternating manner in English and Norwegian, with translation to the opposite language. Food and drinks are usually served after the Sunday meeting.
Sunday school takes place parallel with the main service. We always start the meetings jointly then children go to Sunday school after a short joint session. We believe that this is important especially in ensuring that children remain an integral part of the church. The key elements in Sunday school include short teaching from the Bible preferably with pictures to supplement the text, songs and prayer. Children also get to do fun activities such as drawing, colouring, quiz, and making different items with paper.
Every Sunday we have a youth (about 10 years old upwards) meeting which takes place parallel with the main meeting and Sunday school. These meetings usually start after the praise and worship session of the main meeting. The meetings usually involve discussions and reflections related to either a theme from an inspiring christian literature that the youths have read together, or a video they have watched together. Discussions are led by a spiritually mature and experienced adult. Prayers including for those who wish to be prayed for are an important aspect of these meetings.
In addition to meeting on Sunday, we also organise social events for the youth such as bowling and fishing amongst others.
We usually go for a joint retreat once every year, usually towards the end of summer. The cost of the retreat is fully paid by the church, but those with the possibility to for financial support from those who wish to do so. Participation is open for church members, those who attend our meetings regularly, as well as those who want to know the church or are curious about Jesus. Main activities during the retreats are usually short teachings, singing, prayer and outdoor activities such as swimming, paddling kayak and handball. During the retreats, information is given in both Norwegian and English, and translation is done in all sessions.
Prayer meetings are an important part of church life. Our prayer meetings are open to everyone who wishes to participate in them. The meetings take place every Monday evening from 18:30 to 20:00. In addition to these evening prayers, we also hold an interdenominational prayer meeting every first Saturday of the month from 11:00 to 16:00.